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From Grace to Grace – Disciple conference

26.01.2024 klo 18:0028.01.2024 klo 15:00


The Disciple Student Conference will be held at Maunula’s Church in Helsinki in January. The main speakers are Marian Nygård from Norway and Ryan and Ashlyn Arndt from the USA.

Disciple is a conference, family gathering and summit for a community of believers centered around Jesus. We believe following Jesus’ is the way to see our lives transformed and that his command to go and make disciples of all nations should be at the center of our communities.

Disciple was first held in January 2015 and has been arranged every year since. We’ve been blessed to see God use the conference to inspire and mold a generation of disciples of Jesus. We are passionate to be part of what God is doing and believe He is doing a new thing in our age.

Disciple is arranged by Petrus församling in cooperation with OPKO. Conference is bridging languages with English, Swedish, and Finnish. 

More information at Disciple website


26.01.2024 klo 18:00
28.01.2024 klo 15:00


Petrus Församling & OPKO